

Our games take place on Sundays at Jabiru Park. B and C Grade games run for 2 hours, while A Grade games are played over 7 innings and run for a maximum of 3 hours. Game times will be confirmed once the season schedule is released.


Club-wide training sessions are organized once a week, on a Wednesday evening from 7pm-9pm and the James Cook University Cricket Fields. We also offer an optional social training session each week, with details to be announced before the season begins.

Skill Level

The Northern Jets proudly fields teams in both A Grade, B Grade and C Grade competitions, welcoming players of all skill levels—from beginners and returning players to seasoned athletes.

Uniforms and Equipment

We encourage all players to bring their own boots and glove, though gloves can be borrowed from teammates during preseason if needed. The club provides team helmets, bats, and catcher’s gear.

For uniform requirements, all players should wear grey pants, a blue belt, and blue socks if wearing 3/4 pants. Team jerseys are available to borrow each week, with the option to order a personalized jersey during the season.


Northern Jets is powered by the dedication of our volunteers, making everything we do possible. We encourage all senior players to lend a hand with scoring, umpiring, canteen, or grounds duties throughout the season. Together, we make our club stronger—many hands make light work!